
  • JMBuilder
    23rd Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    ISOF - Isotope-F. Very cold. Slowly decays into CFLM and FRZZ. Other details are up for debate.

  • bimmo_devices
    23rd Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    hmmm... seeing as it is an isotope, perhaps neut + isoz = isof. frzz does need a makeover as well. Can a liquid be denser than powder? If so it should make sand float. ould pressure increase, decrease or remain neutral?

  • billion57
    24th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    "Up for debate"

    If this becomes an actual element, I will be very surprised.


    @bimmo_devices (View Post)

     Mercury is a really dense liquid.

    But FRZZ is good the way it is.


  • asdf123
    24th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    yep, and when hit with cflm causes a massive explosion of cold neutrons.


    -- that was sarcastic but now thinking about it, its a good idea.