
  • asdf123
    23rd Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    i know this has been said sooooo many times...

    but i'm just asking u if you can use SDL_Mixer library for it.

    if not, pls be a little bit helpful and post the source code.

    bcos i prefer free compilers of c++ to visual c++.

    i have dev c++ and SDL libraries. If someone posts the source code i would gladly start developing.


    Good luck to me, eh...



    edit: i found the src.

    -looks at src-

    ok. rewriting is definitely easier. I wont mod this!!!

    Edited once by asdf123. Last: 23rd Aug 2013
  • mniip
    23rd Aug 2013 Developer 0 Permalink

    EDIT: yes, MSVC is definitely shit, when on winderp (if i ever am) i prefer MinGW,
    EDIT: otherwise definitely gcc.
    EDIT: Yes, TPT source is definitely a total mess
    Edited once by mniip. Last: 23rd Aug 2013
  • MiningMarsh
    23rd Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Actually, MSVC is a pretty good compiler in terms of output. It is a crap compiler in terms of standards compatibilty (who needs vanilla C?).

  • asdf123
    24th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    well well... 

    anyways, what about the sound?

    (SDL_Mixer, get a default sound (explosion) and use mix_Setdistance to get the explody effect based on pressure source and temperature)


    -- looks at comments, notices no-one has raged at me for trying to rewrite tpt--

    wow u guys are so nice

  • mniip
    24th Aug 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    @asdf123 (View Post)
    SDL_Mixer is too copmlex engine for this, i mean, it's good for stuff, but when you've got 235008 sounds to mix, i'm sure you'd do better with your own
  • asdf123
    26th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    what do you mean 235008 sounds?

    where'd you get that from?

    i mean one sound and like based on realitve positions of explosions change the volume.

    and, mnip, aren;t you a developer?

    (and are you even the real mnip? why the 2 i's?)

  • boxmein
    26th Aug 2013 Former Staff 1 Permalink
    @asdf123 (View Post)
    mniip has always been two i-s ....?
    He is not a developer but he has contributed to TPT via pull requests .
  • mniip
    26th Aug 2013 Developer 1 Permalink
    @asdf123 (View Post)
    if you read better into the introtext, it says "mniip" with 2 i's. Yes, i am a contributor, but not an official developer, i have 30+ commits to the repo, and more-or-less know how the game part of TPT works (haven't gotten to the networking mess yet).

    EDIT: there are 235008 particles at most, each makes a sound
    Edited once by mniip. Last: 26th Aug 2013
  • asdf123
    29th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    no i was like analyse positions of where the sound comes from as ints, then put out one sound with different volume?

  • mniip
    29th Aug 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    so you're saying all types of particles make the exact same sound, even phase-synchronized