
  • Ursinisviper
    20th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    The powder toy is really amazing,fun and entertaining. However it misses a small bit of realism. so far powder falls and liquids fall but why not solids like wood metal or all of the solids period. i understand this would ruin much of the fun if this was implemented so why not put it up as an option along with newtonion gravity ambient heat draw gravity field and sand effect. This way we can all build stuff out of never falling solids yet have the choice of making explosions more interesting.

  • boxmein
    20th Aug 2013 Former Staff 2 Permalink
    Sadly, due to the fact that The Powder Toy is mainly a particle simulator and a very computationally expensive and rich at that, makes moving solids a very -very- unfeasible game feature.
  • isiskitty11
    20th Aug 2013 Member 1 Permalink
    This post has been removed: one word post
  • mniip
    20th Aug 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    @Ursinisviper (View Post)
    TPT simulates elements as separate particles, simulating a solid to fall as a whole requires really complex code, and will lag a lot
  • Cacophony
    20th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    *looks at title* Deja vu


    Simply put, the way TPT is coded,making moving solids is quite complicated, and the devs don't see much reason to put in the work needed to code them.

  • The-Fall
    20th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Dear Sir. This has been debunked, tested and debunked and buried. Multiple times.

    Your Idea has been vitrified.

  • MiningMarsh
    21st Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @The-Fall (View Post)

    Debunked? Wat? There is nothing stopping it from being possible, it's just that it would be slow and no one really wants to deal with the complicated code it would take to add it to TPT.


    I don't really see how you can "debunk" an idea that is demonstrably possible.

    Edited once by MiningMarsh. Last: 20th Aug 2013
  • Schneumer
    21st Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    there is already a way to make moving solids. also, is it that hard to code or whatever. just turn it into a powder or liquid, and make a mod for it called "Realistic PT" just copy and paste the code or whatever.....i dont even know what coding is thoough, so i might be making a fool out of myself right now. The whole point of a solid is for it to be...well...."SOLID" that would defeat the purpose of solids and they might as well remove solds and just stick with powders....

    Edited once by Schneumer. Last: 20th Aug 2013