I am doing a roleplay creation where users can nominate themselves to be in the creation. As more people join, the island will become more developed. I will decide random events to help or hinder the people on the island. If you want to be on the island, just ask! Leave a post explaining why you should be on Miricle Isle.
Users on the island: Me (Duh!) Lolzy DAVPPK Candunc Rougegeneral-- Diissaster
Latest from the isle: In his sleep Cooldaddy is murdered. The next morning everyone realizes Blus Laps must have killed him. Using driftwood they build a gallows to hang him from. DAVPPK goes diving to the ship wreck to see if he can find any materials. Lolzy went to sit on the beach to mourn the death of Cooldaddy. Candunc look out from atop of the bunks to see if he can find DAVPPK. Roguegeneral pulls the lever and Blus Laps falls to his death. Diissaster stares in awe as the body becomes limp. Wilson managed to get himself stuck on top of the tree. LoadSaveBlock(57765);