Effects Editor

  • cyberdragon
    16th Aug 2013 Member 2 Permalink

    A menu for adding element effects. (somehow...don't know how)


    Like this:




    glow = spark glow

    blur = liquid effect

    spkl = sparkly

    sand = sand effect for non-powders

    hotm = hot metal glow

    fire = fire glow...element glows a similar color to itself

    cust = some sort of custom effects, like specific glow color

    dark = darkens glowing elements or prevents them from glowing

    eras = ...-_-


    Some can be mixed and opposites will erase each other.


    P.S. Can you please add hexidecimal input to the paint creator.

    Edited once by cyberdragon. Last: 16th Aug 2013
  • webb
    16th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @cyberdragon (View Post)

     I like the hexadecimal idea!

  • boxmein
    16th Aug 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Hexadecimal isn't really worth the trouble if you can disassemble it quickly enough in your mind.

    And the element effects are each controlled by their graphics function, precisely their pixel_mode, so to do that we'd need to rewrite it so that deco menu also has a pixel mode. This has a problem of making saves broken again. :D
  • cyberdragon
    16th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    O.K. then embed into the elements themsevles. There's already options for controlling effects generally, this would be to set them for each part seperately.

  • Catelite
    16th Aug 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink

    This doesn't sound like it'd be hard to do, it'd just be another subroutine in graphics, but isn't being able to modify colors good enough? o.o Sparking brick and glare water doesn't sound that palletable honestly.

  • webb
    16th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink
  • cyberdragon
    16th Aug 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    1. sparkling...not sparking...-_- 2. water already glares 3. no, it isn't 4. We can't control people making ugly saves...

  • Oats
    17th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Hexadecimal isn't really worth the trouble if you can disassemble it quickly enough in your mind. 


    Hexadecimal is useful when you're partialy colour blind.

    Edited once by Oats. Last: 21st Aug 2013
  • Schneumer
    21st Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    i like the idea....if it isn't too hard to add it would please some users and would be better in the end, just add another element category...although it would be a bit op. And we already have erase...-_-

    Edited once by Schneumer. Last: 20th Aug 2013
  • mniip
    21st Aug 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    @Oats (View Post)
    if you're color blind, you don't have a valid concept of correct colors, means hexadecimal won't work for you, however if you weren't born with color blindness (is it even possible?), ...