XNTT - Xenon Tetroxide. Crystalline solid. Only stable at temperatures below -36 degrees celsius. Above that, it explodes into NBLE and OXYG (1 pixel of XNTT becomes 1 pixel of NBLE and 2 pixels of OXYG). Can be created by combining NBLE, OXYG, and BIZR gas (BIZG). Reaction requires at least 1 pixel of NBLE, 2 pixels of OXYG, 1 pixel of BIZG, and low temperatures.
BXNT - Broken Xenon Tetroxide.
Uses: Cold explosives, Oxygen compression, high pressure without heat.
Don't we already have a cold explosive, ways to produce high pressure without heat, and oxygen compression? o.o;
This is a falling sand game, you don't have to even come up with fancy names or elements, just start with the functions and work up from there.
Random things with different physical properties isn't really enough to make amusing elements. We need things that do -impossible- things o.o TIME element was a thing once, it was just too glitchy and difficult to be added.
Mniip also made it. :3
Falling Sand is known for elements like ???, which is a wave that changes empty space into itself 100% of the time, and dies at a certain percentage of the time by transforming into an entirely indestructible element that prevents ??? from propagating and dies off into empty space again at a much slower rate, basically destroying -everything- :o
Or a liquid that, when heated to maximum temperature, abruptly loops around to becoming minimum temperature again, etc :P Outside of box!
..Yeah. o.o
What you're proposing is essentially this. Except, instead of releasing cold-flame, it releases random gasses which can only be exploded in a very hot manner.
I'm not really sure what the point would be, honestly. Would it be fun? Producing elements by combining others is always amusing, and we don't have a great lot of compressed solids that represent multiple other elements because of the lack of helper element stacking.
...But it doesn't have to be something that is real, or something like this. XD
TIME element!?! I never knew there was a thing like that! How does it work?