What kind of bombs is there?

  • DV54321
    5th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    What kind of bombs is there? and how do u make them???

    5th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    oh wow. Ok, start with the explosives tab, and pretty much everything there can be ignited with FIRE. Read the wiki tab for heavens sake!!

  • Jont
    8th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    ... Infinity ... 

  • hittox
    8th Aug 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    @DV54321 (View Post)

    You make them by making them.

  • greymatter
    8th Aug 2013 Member 1 Permalink
    @DV54321 (View Post)
    That is a really good thread for beginners in bomb making.

    Here's my post from that thread:


    @ZebraGoBoom (View Post)
    Here is my best bomber's advice ever:

    1 What is the key to making a good bomb?

    Experiment with elements and combos to find the one that makes max heat and pressure meanwhile maintaining minimal size and within the legal limit. That is the ultimate aim of any bomb.

    2 Which materials are best?

    Don't use much things from explosives. Plut is one of the best but nowadays deut does better due to compressability and the fact that it all explodes nearly instantly instead of slowly exploding like plut,and does not produce uran as a by product. vibr is great for covering bomb made of bcln. So you can set it's life to delay it's explosion. Once the vibr explodes, the bcln gets space to make things, and the bomb goes off. Vibr is better than bray because along with a delay,it causes good destruction by itself. Fusion is another awsome feature for bombs. Hygn,nble and co2 undergoes fusion. Hygn requires the least heat and pressure to start fusion but has the weakest fusion explosion. Then comes nble,and the co2. I would use more hygn and less co2 since if the co2 doesn't undergo fusion, it can take away the strength of your bomb. Thdr is best used for pressure(take thdr over dmg anyday) and ligh is the last word of destruction. Some bunkers and walls may state ligh as illegal due to the fact that it can go right through anything,even wall. But most people including me don't consider ligh as illegal,except for in special cases(like when used with cray.)
    Snow with ctype sing and tmp 90000 make real strong bombs, but it's most of the time illegal.Uran creates heat under pressure, and can be used for great melting power. Compressed merc at max temp just absolutly eats through materials.

    3 What different kinds are there?

    Most bombs are nukes, that is, rely on the emission of superheated particles for damage. Fusion and fission(plut and deut) bombs are classified nukes. C-4,tnt etc are for n00bs. Loads of bcln producing a only a single thing, like ligh are frowned upon, and titled n00b bombs. There are illegal bombs, that use illegal elements given at the bottom of this post.

    4 How would i compare my bomb to other people's bombs?

    Use walls or bunkers and see the amount of damage the bombs does. The one that does bigger damage is better. Some walls are made specifically for bomb testing. For a more accurate test, use bomb tester machines. I'm making one myself that offers automatic generated ratings for bombs after testing them. I'll take a few days to finish it. Meanwhile you can use oat's.

    5 Which combinations do what in terms of explosives?

    Neut or pressure sets off plut and deut. Certain thresholds of heat and pressure initiate fusion(see wiki).Most others do not require anything. I would recommend combining thdr,ligh,fusion and fission for making a really good bomb.

    The wrath of the gods is a pretty famous nuke in tpt made by me, that uses a combo of fusion,fission, thunder and lightning.

    6 Do the best bombs use the most obvious materials, from the Sub Menu "Explosives"?

    Nope.Thunder and lightning are key bomb elements. Firw is used for effects. gbmb is used for spreading and direction. Past that, that menu has nothing useful.

    7 What material do i test a bomb against?

    Gold,Tugn,ttan,qrtz are the toughest of materials. Go through few layers of them and you got a good bomb. But i recommend testing it against professional walls, as these employ a combination of various tricks and obscure properties to make a strong defence.

    That is my best wall ever. few have a bomb that can break it.

    8 What will do the most damage, the heat, explosion, or shrapnel? If so, what material on the outer edge of the bomb will help to do the most?

    The heat and pressure. Superheated shrapnel helps,but superheated particles rule. I would use vibr on the outer edge.

    9 What is BCLN, and what will it do for me in a bomb?

    it is one of the most useful bomb elements ever. It spawn elements of it's ctype. So make it spawn thdr/ligh/hygn(if there is another bcln that makes thdr) for the best use.Increase it's life to make it last longer.

    Tip:These elements are illegal for most competitions,contests,walls and bunkers.Note that these might change according to various users: SING,ANTM,DEST,BOMB,CONV and WARP.

    Hope i helped!

    Here is my bomb tester:
    Edited 2 times by greymatter. Last: 8th Aug 2013
  • hittox
    8th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @greymatter (View Post)

    Lol, replace the TUNG with INSL so that wont be a lie.

  • greymatter
    8th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @hittox (View Post)
    INSL is technically not tough. It's just that only some materials can burn them. TUNG has a high melting point, and if sandwitched between layers of TTAN, it can make a moderately strong defencive layer.
  • Ourous
    10th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink


    There's also this type of bomb.


    Banned for about 2/5ths of the walls people make, but innordinatley powerful.

  • 008cff
    14th Jan 2024 Member 0 Permalink

    people ban elements cause they usually don't use conv or bcln/clne/pcln/pbcn, most of these i said protect against most banned elements, ex: kyrixite uses pcln and conv, also vibr, so its strong against bomb, or sing i think, but a strong enough bomb can destroy it at least the edges of the alloy, or corrode it, but most people don't know about layering, so they ban elements that too op and unchallenges the challenge save

    Edited once by 008cff. Last: 21st Feb 2024
  • Jerehmia
    15th Jan 2024 Member 1 Permalink

    And then there's the type of bomb that's so rediculously overpowered that everybody hates them and they aren't allowed in any wall/bunker save (combined DRAY/CRAY bombs).