ASPK - anti SPRK

  • Ortega
    1st Aug 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    ASPK(Anti SPrK) element mostly equivalent to SPRK, but with some diferences. I tried to visualize the main characteristics of the new element
    Now I'll try describe some features:
    1)SPRK and ASPK can be in one plase at the same time without any interferene (move codirectional or conterdirectional) Zone of overlay change color to light-green, it's just superposition, not new element.
    2)With SWCH and analogical powered materials ASPK works oposite to SPRK(ie ASPK+NSCN=turn on, ASPK+PSCN=turn off) When overlay on PSCN or NSCN, SWCH can't change it's state.
    All conflict between commands should resolve similar to overlay.
    3)New element must appear - ABTR(ABattery - generates ASPK)
    4)Solar panel can produce ASPK, when inverted
    5)Diodes work with ASPK oposite to SPRK
    6)INST work with ASPK similar to SPRK exept reversed use of NSCN and PSCN
    7)PTCT and NTCT works oposite with ASPK
    8)TESC can transform SPRK to ASPK. overlay on TESC generate LIGH (may work not in manner that I draw)
    9)NBLE can activates by ASPK, but produce SPRK
    10)With ARAY works like I drawed. One comment with INST earaser BRAY can penetrate like original BRAY.
    Overlay work like first triggered SPRK, than ASPK but in same frame.
    11) DLAY has two variant of working(choose one)
    11.1 two independent DLAY in one element for SPRK and ASPK, as always PSCN and NSCN works oposite.
    11.2 With SPRK DLAY works normal. ASPK on PSCN near DLAY increase temp of DLAY by (4 or 8 or tmp); ASPK on NSCN near DLAY decrease temp of DLAY by (4 or 8 or tmp or tmp2);
    12)With other elements ASPK works similar to SPRK.

    Potential Uses
    1) Memory schemes (BRAY RAM maybe will be work faster)
    2) Potential Increasing bandwidth rate and performance in all types of electrical schemes
    3) Compression of schemes, increase reusing and simultaneous work of components
    4) New type of schemes - frequency based schemes(if you choose 11.2)
    5) More fun with maze ))
    6) In fact, it's closest posible analogue to multilayer schemes(I think)

    Sorry for posible mistakes, English not my native language)

  • Michael238
    1st Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Question: What happens if SPRK and ASPK are travelling in opposite directions on the same wire, and they hit each other?

  • boxmein
    1st Aug 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink

    @Ortega (View Post)
    What's the purpose of having a duplicate of the exact same element? The special reactions you brought out are really sparse and the rest is just "Like spark but opposite"

  • Ortega
    2nd Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Michail, It's overflap and then just travel through each other.(x like picture in my save)

    boxmen, in most for compacting schemes and speedup schemes. Even oposite work with diodes and possibility travel independent to each other was enough to that purpose.

  • china-richway2
    2nd Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    PLEASE tell me what's its functions. Make some examples (at least 2)

  • Ortega
    2nd Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    if choose 11.2 then ajusting DLAY;

    one wire control(sometimes it's very useful);

    blocking some devices by additional impulse (compact control scheme)

    if overlay will generate new particle then threeway logic may be possible(it possible even without it)

    faster and compact PSTN conrol(two or one impulse in same time 

    and ofcourse it's chalenge and whole new world of schemes.

  • plead-for-destruction
    2nd Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @boxmein (View Post)
    If instead of ASPK on NSCN turning on switch it would travel over switch in the off position I could imagine a few uses for it. (Although these uses can already be done with a 6x? or so particle area.
  • Ortega
    2nd Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @plead-for-destruction (View Post)

    Not clearly understand, what you mean?


    some additional elements:
    POSI - Positron - same as electron, but generates ASPK. when collide with ELEC will annihilate(emits 5-8 photon and produce presure)
    TRNS -Transformator - SPRK and ASPK can't exis at the same place on this material. When SPRK travel from TRNS to other conductor it transform to ASPK, ASPK work with TRNS analogical
    CSPK - Combo SPRK - Light-green particle that appear when SPRK and ASPK under it and disappear when not. Use only for detecting overlay.