An electrical arcing element that is more realistic than ETRD and uses lightning instead. This lightning would only go between arc elements and not everywhere like tesla coil. The points would be ARCE and the lightning just ARC. You can spawn ARC from cursor as long as there are any ARCEs onscreen. Arcs can only form from cursor or between ARCEs at the shortest distance (ARCEs calculate closest neighbor) with a source of ARC or spark.
USES: Amazing and cool effects + lightning computers + DESTRUCTION
Color: blueish purple
Characteristics: similer to lightning, goes through most materials except WALL and (what else should block it?)
Special: will not fork, snakes around in a path between ARCEs or cursor and closest ARCE
NOTES: Calculations run in Simulation, may lag a few frames while finding path, path is saved between those two points unless nothing spawns for a certain number of frames
Color: brass
Characteristics: similer to ETRD
Special: Can be directly sparked by INST, only sparks closest neighbor, can be set to generate cold ARC (tmp 1?)
NOTES: Calculations run in Simulation, when an electrode finds a partner it will form a permanent path (straight) that ARC will waver around. If it finds a closer partner it will drop any previous partner, unless they are the exact same distance away. ARCEs of the same spacing will form a chain, odd number ARCEs with no parner will be dead
partner functions will only be updated if there is a change in ARCE placement, to prevent lag
DISCLAMER: If this is too much for the developers...MODDERS HAVE AT IT.
"I AIN'T HAVIN' IT! Where's me hammer?!"
Yes, but unless you set it to produce a cold arc it will destroy the conductors.
(,\ C . ARCE) S = butt. Thought I would just point that out. I would prefer electrode to arc to the closest pixel clump but not actually conduct to it. It would be useful for making a burnable memory system without having plasma fooding all over the place!
What? Do you mean ETRD or ARCE?
I like this idea. Especially the LIGHTNING COMPUTERS!!!
Plus, it's more useful the ETRD; more controllable. +1