i have the same libraries in both.
This may be a "Doh!" moment...
Is it included in both?
You mean a "Duh!" momment right? ....
yes it is included in both...
I cannot right now, i am not home and i don't have my tablet pc with me.
file C:\Users\Thomas\Desktop\PowderSim2\SConscript,line 134:
Configure(confdir = .sconf_temp)
scons: Configure: Checking for C header file C:\MinGW\include\SDL/SDL.h...
scons: Configure: ".sconf_temp\conftest_0.c" is up to date.
scons: Configure: The original builder output was:
|.sconf_temp\conftest_0.c <-
| |
| |#include "C:\MinGW\include\SDL/SDL.h"
| |
| |
gcc -o .sconf_temp\conftest_0.o -c .sconf_temp\conftest_0.c
gcc: error: .sconf_temp\conftest_0.c: No such file or directory
gcc: fatal error: no input files
compilation terminated.
scons: Configure: no