I've got some good idea's to add elements on powder toy, So here's some good idea's
1. Volcanic Ash (It can be produced, When Lava is at high pressure, It Creates Volcanic Ash). **Powder**
2. Sugar (It can be used as cooking, experiments, and other stuff ). **Powder**
Idea 1: srsly, uses?
Idea 2: wat, just the word sugar is not enought. We need the details!
Ok, here we go. I am going to help you out with this one @CF99.
Volcanic Ash would not be very useful to TPT. Perhaps there could be a way to make a mixture of DUST and STNE if lava is under certain conditions. But that is a bit improbable as well since DUST is highly flammable.
Sugar would be very useful if there were some reactions created. I personally have delved in modding and made a sugar element that has useful properties. But it would involve making not only the element SUGR, but also ALCO as well. What I did with sugar in my mod was made it react with YEST and warm WATR to make ALCO. Since YEST is able to reproduce at a certain temperature, it was easy to tell what the temp of the WATR had to be. the hard part was keeping it at that temp. ALCO had some good properties as well. Including a very low "boiling" point that would turn it into GAS with the CTYPE of ALCO. if you cooled GAS down again, it would turn back. It also burned a whitish blue color when it caught on fire. In my mod, if a STKM touched ALCO with its head, the controls would be reversed until it changed its CTYPE. Another thing that could be useful with sugar is if you heated it up with lets say DUST, it would turn into GOO. Since there is no other way of making GOO right now, that would be fairly useful in making a sort of barrier. I hope this helps you out a bit with your suggestion.
@plead-for-destruction (View Post)
lol... :D
1. not to be judgy but volcanic ash seriously would break alot of saves. Lots of lava saves that have pressure in them... :|
2. We dont cook in tpt... we blow things up... lol, but seriously. We need details on what the reactions would be, what are its properties, what is is useful for, why should we add it. Those things will get the mods attentions.