CTHD / PSMG - Cathode / Positive magnet. Attracts PLSM and ELEC
ANOD / NGMG - Anode / Negative magnet. Repels PLSM and ELEC
Statistics apply to both CTHD and ANOD
Melting point: Invulnerable
Pressure tolerance: 10
Breaks into: BREL
Blocks pressure: No
Acid resistant: No
Can be placed behind another material and still attract/repel PLSM and ELEC (great for pressure shielding)
A line of ANOD could apply directional force, which would be important for PLSM/ELEC accelerators
Uses: VASIMR engines, plasma weapons, plasma shielding, electron accelerators
I want more details!
Cathode Ray Tube Monitors? This sounds most wonderful! I would like a Plasma shield! SUPPORT!
It is considerably different to REPL in that it is element-precific and destroyable. For example, one could make a bunker out of CTHD, but not out of REPL since it can only be destroyd by BOMB or DEST.
I support this, it could enable fusion reactors without using indestructibles by making a ring of CTHD. I suggest making the field stronger if it is SPRK ed as well