go to this save for info
the basic details are
.It melts approx 350'c
.It doesn't corrod
.It absorbs neut and phot
-Gah, not another topic by 13yr me. It's 'corrode' btw-
There are...um...(holes?)...in that suggestion
1. 0_o plant?...I thought dead plant turns to wood though
2. ok
3. ok
4. contradicts original post -_-
5. No, lead is HEAVY -_-
6. 0_o
1.wat ever you want and it blocks neut and phot for realism.
2.melting is approx
3.lead is not a good conductor and it will hold sprk closer togeter than water
5.lead does float on mercury due to its density
6.what do u think most resembles lead water the most, bizzar:
.lead makes white paint a base of paint
.bizzar is bizzar lead mud is bizzar
-'wat' o.o ~insert meme here~ *together... '6.' is why school is a thing-
sorry my bad