Highly reactive in empty space. In order for it to be contained without any reaction from air, you have to insulate it with something.
Color: #ADBEC9
Explosive when in contact with fire. Fire will be a purple color with a bit of plasma.
Turns into BRMT when in contact with air. Air meaning the empty space around it. It will take 100 frames for it to be completely corroded.
When in contact with glow, it will be stable.
When in contact with WATR it will disolve into ISOZ.
It will have life that will decrease when it touches BIZR and produce ELEC.
In order to recharge its life, it needs to touch ionized NBLE.
It will burn at 500c.
In order to make LTHM, you combine ISZS with EXOT and heat it to 450C.
It would be useful in making rechargeable batteries and reactions for powerplants. It is also able to be used as an explosive. A good way also to make ISOZ. Since it is very hard to keep without turning into BRMT, it will be a challenge to be able to use properly. Please give feedback and no flaming. :)
i like your idea! it could be added to Powder Sim2
>Explosive when in contact with fire. Fire will be a purple color with a bit of plasma.
Okay, I like that.
>Turns into BRMT when in contact with air. Air meaning the empty space around it. It will take 100 frames for it to be completely corroded.
Wait a minute, how does it become completely corroded if part of it isn't in the air? I think it'd be better if you left out the last property/sentence.
>When in contact with glow, it will be stable.
Seems rather redundant, given that any sort of insulation will stablize it.
>When in contact with WATR it will disolve into ISOZ.
Okay. Well, I kinda like this, I could use this as a source of photons.
>It will have life that will decrease when it touches BIZR and produce ELEC.
What will produce electrons, the Lithium or the BIZR?
>In order to recharge its life, it needs to touch ionized NBLE.
It will burn at 500c.
What do you mean burn? If it just makes Fire,then how is it going to recharge if the Fire in the way? If it turns into Fire, then how is going to be recharged if the ionized Noble destroys it?
>In order to make LTHM, you combine ISZS with EXOT and heat it to 450C.
I don't think that's possible, but it seems kinda neat.
>Since it is very hard to keep without turning into BRMT, it will be a challenge to be able to use properly.
This doesn't make sense.Why would anybody go through that trouble when much stabler sources could be used? It's rechargable,of course, but it's too hard to recharge.
Except for how it's charged and the "It will take 100 frames for it to be completely corroded." bit, I like it.
Ionized NBLE stays cool if surrounded by things at a lower temp. As far as the way it corrodes, that is the way Lithium acts in real life. It will oxidise very fast and become very uselelss. There might be a way for someone to code lithium to be 'resistant' to heat for a few frames so it can get a charge. I want it to be challenging to make a rechargeable battery for a reason :)
>I want it to be challenging to make a rechargeable battery for a reason.
What's the reason?
I personally don't think making a rechargeable battery is just as simple as assing a particle and sparking it. It needs to go through different reactions in order to make it fun and intersting to play with. making it to where it would be charged by using PSCN would be a bit unfun. There needs to be a chance that things can go wrong.
Dude, it's hard enough making a rechargeable battery element. But if I get it renders that one use obselete. TA-TA! *static*
>Turns into BRMT when in contact with air. Air meaning the empty space around it. It will take 100 frames for it to be completely corroded.
Wait a minute, how does it become completely corroded if part of it isn't in the air? I think it'd be better if you left out the last property/sentence.
He means that it will turn into BRMT when in contact with nothing. BRMT is a powder. Powders fall. They fall out of the way so the next layer of lithium touches the open space and corrodes.
>It will have life that will decrease when it touches BIZR and produce ELEC.
What will produce electrons, the Lithium or the BIZR?
"It will have a life....and produce bizzare." I believe when he says "It", he is refering to the lithium.
>In order to recharge its life, it needs to touch ionized NBLE.
It will burn at 500c.
What do you mean burn? If it just makes Fire,then how is it going to recharge if the Fire in the way? If it turns into Fire, then how is going to be recharged if the ionized Noble destroys it?
It recharges when touching nobel, but if it is touching nobel AND the temp is greater than or equal too 500 C, it will burn, and no longer charge.
>In order to make LTHM, you combine ISZS with EXOT and heat it to 450C.
I don't think that's possible, but it seems kinda neat.
Of course it is possible:
(for isotope Z)
if(((r&0xFF)==PT_EXOT)&&(parts[i].temp>=723)){ //723 is 450 celcius, tpt uses kelvin
parts[r>>8].type=PT_LTHM //or PT_NONE, depends on what you want it to do
This is a very good suggestion.