The code:
function sine(endX,endY)
d = 0.005; -- Warpedness, don't edit this.
l = tpt.input("Curvature","How steep the curves are.","1");
l = 0.01 * l;
t = tpt.input("Pixel separation","How far apart the points are","3");
i = tpt.input("Curvature","Well, curve density","2");
for x = 0,endX,s do
for y = 0,endY,s do
a = x + (d * y * (300 - x));
tpt.create(a, 200 - (y / (1 + l * y))/(1 + 10 * l * math.sin((i / 47) * (x + i))),"dmnd")
This script just generates a 3-D sine wave in which, if viewed from above, all points would be t pixels away from each other.
?!?!?!? Sound?
Lol no, just a picture.