There are 2 different ways of implementing this, though i dont know if either would be possible in coding.
Along with "Void" and "Solid" in the "Simulation Options -> Edge Mode", there should be a setting called "Loop". This would make particles that go to the edge of the sim. would go to the opposite side. This could work in 3 ways:
1- When it hits the right edge at Y of 100, then it comes out the left side at Y of 100, and vice versa.
2- When it hits the bottom of the sim. at X of 200, then it comes out the top at X of 200, and vice versa.
3- Both 1 and 2.
It would do exactly the same as the first way, but adding a new kind of wall that wouldn't be in the menu, and wouldn't work unless it is at the edge of the simulation and unless there is another wall of the same type on the other side. This would work similar to PRTI and PRTO, but would work both directions, would be an indestructible wall, and would keep track of only the wall directly opposite.
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is in jacob1's mod, they should add it in real game