I'm working on a bunker, everything is finished except small details, since i can't publish using beta i will finish it and publish later.. completely explosion resistant and will be completely destroyable. Please give some suggestions
LoadSaveBlock(53150); I have the layout almost done. I just need to at details to it. I have also come up with stronger walls so i will add those in sometime. the main idea here is to make it challenging to destroy it.
I still need to reinforce it , If you pause it and then place a circle of c4 outside like a moon and then put the pressure to around 2000 and heat to 9000 it kills everything when you unpause it
I'll try to smooth out the sands texture , maybe ad some plants as well. for anyone interested here is another one of my smaller creations. this is the smallest i have (for higher fps) and functions perfectly. I also am updating all of my old engine creations from the older powder toy.LoadSaveBlock(55362);