Alkali metal (ALKM)

  • sakashit
    26th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    a new metal that's like rubidium but behaves more like a real alkali metal

    it'll melt at a moderately high temperature, like between 50 and 100 degrees maybe

    when hot, it'll burn and make another new element, which could be called alkali (ALKI or ALKA or ALKL).  the alkali will dissolve in water to form base (BASE), which will corrode some elements and react with acid to make saltwater

    the metal will react with water to make heat, hydrogen gas, and base. if there's enough metal and water, it'll get hot enough to ignite the metal, which in turn will blow up the hydrogen

    the abbreviation could be ALKM or something

  • minecraft-physics
    26th May 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    While I agree that RBDM could have been considerably better, it is best not to add eements for the sake of adding (learning tpt is confusing enough as it is). A better course of acion would be to simply change RBDM's reactions to be less boring.

  • zxaaw
    26th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I agree. Anyway, RBDM is an alkali metal.

    PS: what is the code that TPT uses?

  • NecroMast33r
    26th May 2013 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • sakashit
    26th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    i know RBDM is an alkali metal, but in TPT it just vanishes in a puff of flame when water touches it


    i don't think adding this new element will make TPT much more confusing than it already is.  the game is already extremely complex, and a few new elements and reactions won't make a significant difference.  you learn the game as you play it.  one of the things i like most about TPT is discovering new reactions that i didnt notice before


    also, my suggestion won't break any saves

  • Dingolo
    26th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @zxaaw (View Post)

     Pure C++

  • cyberdragon
    26th May 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    WRONG! 61.7% C++ 31.7% C 1.2% other

  • firefreak11
    26th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @cyberdragon (View Post)

     There is C++, C, Lua, and I think there was python and some markup stuff

  • coenmcj
    27th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    The Console commands I know do alot of Lua.


    Any uses that you can think up would increase the chances of addition.