A few suggestions (new elements too)

  • Ellipzocore
    19th May 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    Why URAN should be fissile:

    • URAN should be fissile when NEUT touches it. The result would be three times as many NEUT which creates a chain reaction. For example, if one were to create a nuclear power plant, a slot can be created for the URAN to sit in, and the slot itself can be coated with GOLD for absorption of NEUT. NEUT would be emitted from PLUT and catalyzing the fission of URAN. If kept under 500°C, the reaction can be stable and energy production can be of high quantity and high efficiency. However, an uncontrolled reaction   would result in a meltdown, causing immense heat and pressure to be expelled from within the core. This uncontrolled reaction can be applied to a nuclear bomb, but the reaction would be desirable. URAN can also decay slowly over time, into NBLE (alpha decay), which provides an alternative source of NBLE if need be. This would ensure that URAN has a use other than just heating up under pressure.


    NEW ELEMENT: Nitrogen Gas

    SYMBOL: N2

    COLOR: #6B998A


    BOILING POINT: 77.36 K

    MELTING POINT: 63.15 K

    • USES
      • Production of explosives
      • Production of fertilizers for PLNT and WOOD
        • MAGN (Magnesium; see below) burns in N2 to form AMNA (Ammonia, a fertilizer)
      • Can be used to make ACID via mixing WTRV and N2. (Would also give off OXYG).


    NEW ELEMENT: Magnesium


    COLOR: #587475



    • USES
      • Burns only in flames hotter than 500°C
      • Burns in N2 to form MGND (Magnesium Nitride; can displace any element except DMND)
      • Can react with WTRV to make MGOH (Magnesium hydroxide, which can mix with COAL to make BRCK.)


    NEW ELEMENT: Magnesium Hydroxide


    COLOR: #85aec9



    • USES:
      • Alternative source of BRCK without damaging anything via mixing with COAL.
      • Reacts with ACID to make SLTW


    NEW ELEMENT: Magnesium Nitride


    COLOR: #8cc101 (It really is greenish-yellow.)



    • USES:
      • Displaces elements without making everything all cluttered like WARP does. Almost like what PLUT does to most light powders except MGND would do it to some solids.
      • Forms into DMND under pressure that is >175


    NEW ELEMENT: Ammonia


    COLOR: #a69d86


    • USES:
      • Makes more PLNT when it happens to touch it.
      • Can react with WTRV to make AMSL (Ammonia Solution [see below]; much more useful as a fertilizer)
      • Reacts with METL to form HYGN.


    NEW ELEMENT: Ammonia Solution


    COLOR: #025076


    • USES:
      • Makes more PLNT
      • Reacts with METL to form HYGN (Useful for a water production factory. Hell, we do what we must because we can.)
      • Heated to form AMNA and WATR.
  • xetalim
    19th May 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    "Why URAN should be fissile:"


    TPT wont change elements.

  • Potbelly
    19th May 2013 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • NF
    19th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @Potbelly you can add Nitrogen if you want LN2 to evaporite with out breaking saves.

  • coenmcj
    20th May 2013 Member 3 Permalink


    You need to break a few eggs to make an omellete...


    Alot of you complain that things will break saves, but you need to understand that almost any change to elements WILL break saves, but whats the point of stopping progress because someone spilt some milk?..


    Some elements are good, some are bad, saying they will "Break saves" is a lousy excuse and you know it.

  • Fakenublet
    20th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @coenmcj (View Post)

    Saying "it will break saves" is just as lousy as the reason itself, you can get people in TPT reworking on their reactors that they've spent hours working on just to get broken. So - why bother?


    The point of a suggestion is to bring alot more complex reactions and make TPT a funner game to play WHILE keeping the game stable and bug-free, not just throw in helium, lead and shit, breaking alot of saves just because they added a new element.

  • xetalim
    20th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Perhaps add a compatibility mode for it?

  • coenmcj
    21st May 2013 Member 0 Permalink


    Thats the point, saying it will break saves is a lousy excuse in itself not to give criticism or feedback, but in truth fairly much anything we do WILL break saves, there is no avoiding it.


    It would be a good idea, limit the save to whatever Version it was saved on maybe?

  • TheEditor
    21st May 2013 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • Ellipzocore
    26th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I have added more suggestions; I would just love to see more chemistry aspects to TPT.