Hello, this is a simple element lua wrapper i made,
it should simplify element creation, it's still WIP.
Current version is the 1st version and it's made in less than 20 minutes.
Element example http://puu.sh/2QVPc.txt
Accepting requests.
Just ask for anything that would simplify stuff even more.
Why would it be a bad idea?
It's not like somebody would pass on over 2k arguments to print...
Removed print thingy, it isn't needed.
I just added it because for some reason original
print didn't work when i tested. >.>
REVISION 3: http://puu.sh/2QYTP.txt
+ Element.Sparked(index, x, y) - calls when spark goes trough element
Example element: http://puu.sh/2QZlj.txt