CLFN- Californium

  • biohaxor673
    26th Mar 2013 Member 8 Permalink

    CLFN- Californium


    its a reddish orange (dark orange, almost red) material, in fancy graphics it has a slight shine.

    -Normally solid (normal temperature of 15 degrees) releases neutrons in a small quantity (2 every 30 frames).

    -progresivly releases more and more as it is heated up (releases 1 more every 50 degrees until reaching 500, from there on it will steadily release 30 at a rate of 40 frames).

    -when at a temperature of 2000 degrees it triplicates its temperature (6000 degrees, also becomes liquid at this point, to be represented as LCFN) and releases a great ammount of neutrons and photons, decaying at a rate of -30 neutrons and 18 photons per particle- until dessapearing.(this happens at a rate of 10 particles every 360 frames [like 6 seconds if it's not laggy])

    -when cooled it reaches a completly unreactive state and loses its shine at -180 degrees and becomes Static Californium (SCFN) at -230 degrees after releasing two neutrons and one electron per particle loosing half it's quantity.

    -when at a low pressure it releases electrons(lower than 0 pressure) (releases around 10 electrons every 25 frames at a temperature from 0 to -100 and from 0 to 500c , from 500c and up and from -101 to -179, it will release 2 every 30 frames).

    -when at a high pressure (higher than 3, 2.45 being normal NEUT pressure) it releases photons (releases around 2 photons every 30 frames at a temperature below 500c, from 500c and up, it will release 10 every 25 frames)

    -doesnt let pressure pass trough it but still gets affected by it(depending on the areas affected by the pressure its affected differently [if too hard to code, this feature can be left out]).

    -PHOT ELEC and NEUT are released at a temperature of 10 degrees at all time, which doesnt affect the meterials temperature.

    -When in a solid state at 20c or lower, PROT wont pass trough it, at higher temperatures of 20c PROT will pass trough it but the temperature affected when this occures is the PROT's, their temperature will immidiatly change to that of the CLFN or LCFN.

    -If NLCN is iradiated with PROT, It will result in a violent explosion of PHOT and NEUT (in dense clouds) at a temperature of 9200c and creating a pressure of 45, also releasing URAN as a byproduct.


    1.a mix of molten TTAN, PLUT and PQRT at 2000 degrees at a pressure of 2 while eradiated with electrons.

    2.GOLD with BVBR (broken VIBR, in case i got it wrong) at a pressure of 16, temp of 2300, while being eradiated with NEUT (happens just before the BVBR explodes).

    Note: When the mixing is done, it will result in a non reactive Liquid californium (NLCN), this state will persist until it's cooled down to a temperature of 90c, then finally becoming CLFN.


    CLFN cause of its reactive properties can be used as a low temperature plutonium/uranium replacement that doesnt wear off, also to replace deuterioum oxcide on a DEUT reactor.


    -/Powerful bombs that reach high temperatures and expose their suraundings to neutrons and photons.

    -/Reactive material for generators/electrical components/"realistic" batteries, etc..

    -/Pressure  sensitive reactins (say when it releases neut this happens, when phot this other, and when electrons that other.

    -/As a material that exposes others causing different reaction.

    -/Source for the particle that releases.

    -/Hidrogen factory



    Thanks for reading!

    Really hope that you guys find it useful and consider it, if you think im missing something like a specification on something or have any suggestions for further uses please comment!


    Updated so it makes sence with the new tpt (YES thats a good reason to bump!).

    Updated to specify better the ammount of particles released.


    Edited 2 times by biohaxor673. Last: 21st Dec 2013
  • Potbelly
    26th Mar 2013 Banned 2 Permalink
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    26th Mar 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Hmm... a very sophisticated DEUT and ISOZ implosion bomb could be made out of this, by controlling when each charge goes off.

  • biohaxor673
    26th Mar 2013 Member 0 Permalink


    So if I understood this correctly:


    At normal temperature;

    -Emits energy particles

    -Does not decay

    -High pressure = PHOT

    -Normal pressure = NEUT

    -Low pressure = ELEC


    This can be exploited to make infinite hydrogen in this way:

    1. Lower pressure to ELEC limit. It lets out ELEC.

    2. Pressure dissappears over time, thus increasing pressure to 0, slowly.

    3. It creates NEUT, combining with the ELEC to form hygn.


    It is also an unstable element due to the fact that NEUT causes pressure.

    Normal pressure = NEUT.

    NEUT = higher pressure.

    higher pressure = PHOT

    PHOT = temperature increase.


    To sum this up, I like the element, but you should tweak some stuff.

    I can already imagine the bombs if you combined this with ISOZ and DEUT :D



     Thanks for that! aknowledged and tweaked the description!

  • Box-Poorsoft
    26th Mar 2013 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • biohaxor673
    26th Mar 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    Thanks! Its meant to be useful and powerful!

  • biohaxor673
    21st Dec 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Hate to double post bump, but its updated, and im looking forward to some developer insight now that it doesnt depend on other suggestions i've made.

  • KydonShadow
    21st Dec 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    thats one heell of a necro. lol Im not saying anything...

  • DanDuncombe
    21st Dec 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I like this idea, and do in fact want to see it in future versions of tpt...

  • KydonShadow
    21st Dec 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I do also want to see it.