There should be a sort of mode that clone can be, so how the elements act when it produces them changes for every mode. For example, if the TMP of CLNE is 0, LIGH will make a big zap as it usually does, but when the TMP of CLNE is 1, LIGH will become a single hot pixel instead. Different elements have different changes for every clone mode. If you plan on doing this to other clones too, make sure their TMP isn't occupied by a function.
sounds cool! :D I also think that if the clone is decorated, the element it clones will be the same color.
I think that both of our ideas have alot of uses.
just use bizzare liquid in a 3x3 box to color it
yes it is cool i want it to. i want to use it for my fire extuingisher i want co2 to be white