Hey, Powder toy creator (don't know your name...), I like the new powder toy, but my home computer has leopard. Only my school computer has snow leopard. Is there a leopard version of the powder toy being thought about or in progress, and if there isn't, would you make one?
Ask Simon about this... he could probably get that arranged. It should also be for Tiger, because thats the latest Mac OS I have right now. :| I only have an iBook G4 and I have none of that green stuff you call money to buy Leopard. Its wouldn't work to well with it anyways...
Thanks, but it's okay for now. Anyway, I tried to just download a few of the older versions (i'm ok with that for now) but they either just quit unexpectedly or wouldn't run period. If there's a fix for that anybody knows I'd be happy with that until Simon works something out for older OSX versions!