Elements : WFLM, BFLM and DELE

  • powderisfalling
    9th Mar 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    WFLM deleting a diamond...



    White flame is a gas element that "delete" everything, even diamonds.

    It delete things by turning them into Black flame.


    Black flame is a gas element that turn elements into White flame...

    So, it's a repeated process until the target element is gone.


    Delete is the powder form of WFLM.






    WFLM does not work on hot things. It just burns. DELE too.



    - Try turning off the pressure and velocity (Press Y three times), then WFLM something

      that uses decoration.

    - Try WFLM-ing something that uses decoration.

    - Try WFLM-ing only a part of a calculator, then use the calculator :)

  • boxmein
    9th Mar 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Why have three elements do the work of one?
    You could have the WFLM with a life of 200, when life drops below 150 you set its colour to black and when its life drops to 0 it'll delete itself anyways
  • powderisfalling
    10th Mar 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Because I want the element to have 2 names when deleting stuffs.

    And if I did what you say, the WFLM won't look like the pic. It will just turn to black after 50 life.