Can you change the life of BCLN's CTYPE?

  • SLicK
    14th Feb 2013 Member 3 Permalink

    I would imagine it looks like this: !set ctype bcln 100 OR !set ctype bcln vibr (life.100)
    Also, can you change the ctype, OF your ctype? such as making a CLNE clone ice with a ctype of lava using the consol?

    I highly doubt people are able to do this, however it would be useful in more than one of my bombs.

  • Oats
    14th Feb 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    There seems to be a trick in which you can change the ctype of bcln even when the bcln is being made by pbcn (which might be good to look into) but I can only suggest it. I can't make it.

  • mniip
    14th Feb 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    @SLicK (View Post)
    ctype is a property, not a full list of particle properties (though it could be interesting if it was a fully functional &Particle), there isnt a 'ctype of ctype'.
  • jacksonmj
    14th Feb 2013 Developer 0 Permalink

    You can make it clone lava with a particular ctype (but only for elements that actually melt into lava) using, for example:

    !set ctype clne lava

    !set tmp clne salt

    which produces molten salt.


    The life of the created particle can't be set at the moment.

  • boxmein
    14th Feb 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @SLicK (View Post)
    The solution provided by @jacksonmj (View Post) only works when you use CLNE. Other particles don't get sub-ctypes from TMP. ctype is just a number, nothing more. (note, element names are sneakily converted to numbers in the old console!)
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