nucular's original handmade DST2 element!
Main features:
- Destroys even DMND
- Creates SING and THDR
- Heats everything around
- Lags if more particles of DST2 are on screen.
- Uses new TPTPPs element.allocate!
Download here:
This is awesome, one drop = no more city! But destroying DMND, I don't like that, what would we use to filter it around? Anyway, this is awesome.
Copy it to a file, and save it to the same directory than the Powder Toy executable. For example, the name of that file you save could be dst2.lua.
Then, start TPT, and open the console, and type dofile('dst2.lua') where dst2.lua is the name of the lua file you saved.
TIP: If the lua file is named autorun.lua, you don't have to type the dofile thing or open the console.
How long should it be lagging? It just acts like a very heavy item. Here's a picture:
It also doesn't seem to go through concrete.
which tpt version youre using? are there any errors shown?
because on my tpt, the same looks like this: