if anyone is a newbie and the wiki is a bit too complicated, post a comment on the help you need and i'll post a comment that i promise will be more descriptive than the wiki help.
i do not accept any deliberatey retarded or sarcastic help comments, and those who do so will be reported.
anyways, here's a list of every element and a short description of each:
all in the GoL section: move, hold thier temperature and multiply like hell.
CLNE: fictional element. clones particles it touches.
VOID: instantly deletes any particles it touches.
INSL: does not conduct ANYTHING. good for keeping something at a stable temp in a hot/cold area.
VACU: fictional element. kinda like BHOL, but gets hotter as it sucks in.
VENT: fictional element. generates air pressure. good for keeping an area pressurized for long periods of time.
STKM: stickman. if head touches a particle, press down and he will spit out that particle.
CONV: fictional element. if something touches it, the next thing that touches it will be converted into that compound.
BCLN: destructable version of CLNE.
PRTI/PRTO: fictional element. portal in/portal out. pretty self explanatory.
STK2: see STKM.
TRON:fictional element. particles that travel in straight lines and come in a variety of colors. each particle grows longer gradually.
BHOL: black hole. sucks in everything and deletes it.
WHOL: white hole. fictional element. like black hole, except it pushes particle AWAY from itself.
FIGH: fighter. will actively attemp to exterminate STKM and STK2.
NEUT: neutrons. when bombarding DEUT or PLUT, it will destroy a variety of elements.
PLUT: plutonium. when under pressure of any kind, it will generate NEUT. reacts rather violently with neutrons.
PHOT: photons. can go through GLAS and can get very hot.
URAN: uranium. when under pressure of any kind, it will generate heat.
AMTR: antimatter. buzzes around like a bee and destroys a variety of particles.
DEUT: deuterium oxide. reacts rather violently with neutrons. expands when heated, decompresses when cooled.
WARP: fictional element that displaces other elements.
ISOZ: basically raidoactive liquid. i do not know much about this element, or its cousin, ISZS.
ISZS: solid form of ISOZ
SING:fictional element. singularity. eats away a variety of other particles, eventually will consume itself and dissapear.
ELEC: electrons. when touching NEUT, generates hydrogen.
EXOT: exotic matter. fictional element that explodes in color when touching electrons.
VIBR stores energy anbd releases it rather violently.
DMND: indestructable solid.
FUSE: burns slowly when introduced to plasma.
IRON: solid. conducts electricity and turns into BMRT when exposed to water.
SPNG: absorbs water. burns.
DRIC: dry ice. very cold.
NICE: nitrogen ice. VERY cold.
COAL: burns like FUSE, except doesnt need as much heat.
PLNT: grows bigger when exposed to water.
BMTL: destructable version of METL.
GLAS: glass. allows photons and turns into BGLA when under exceptional pressure.
INVS: becomes nonsolid when under pressure.
SHLD: when an electrical current is applied, generates more shield layers.
FILT: heat/cool it to change color, changes color of photons and BIZR.
TTAN: titanium. high melting point, conducts electricity. does not rust.
ICE: ice. cold. generated when water is cooled.
PIPE: kind of hard to explain, the wiki should contain understandable information on this element.
everything else: solids, some melt and some burn, (I.E. wood burns, and quarts melts) some break under pressure, such as BRCK.
DUST: light powder, bursts into flames when exposed to fire/plasma.
STNE: stone. turns into lava when heated excessively. heavy.
SNOW: snow, pretty obvious.
CNCT: concrete. same as stone except slightly stronger.
SALT: salt. rusts iron and dissolves in water.
BRMT: broken metal. melts. conducts electricity.
SAND: when overheated, turns into glass.
BGLA: broken glass. allows photons.
YEST: yeast. grown when exposed to heat. however, when overheated, forms a secret element.
FSEP: powdered FUSE.
BCOL: powdered COAL.
FRZZ: when melted forms ice that cools indefenitely.
GRAV: light dust. changes color based on velocity. (quote from powder toy)
ANAR: behaves opposite the gravity direction.
PQRT: broken quartz.
BREL: "broken electronics," conducts electricity.
CLST: clay dust. makes paste when mixed with water
BVBR: powdered VIBR.
WATR: water. duh.
OIL: flammable liquid. produced when GAS is pressurized.
LAVA: if you don't know what this is, you're just plain stupid.
ACID: acid... this is a good idea!
DSTW: distilled water. unlike WATR, it does not conduct electricity.
SLTW: salt water. harder to freeze than water. otherwise, basically just like water.
MWAX: melted version of WAX.
LN2: liquid nitrogen. pretty darn cold.
DESL: diesel. flammable and explodes under pressure.
LOXY: liquid oxegen REALLY cold.
GLOW: glows under pressure.
BUBW: OMG! its bubbles in water! the best invention since underwear! conducts electricity and freezes.BIZR: BIZR: bizarre liquid... behaves like photons except not extremely hot, and not radioactive.
PSTE: paste. hardens under pressure.
GEL: various heat conductivity and viscosity.
SOAP: bubbles! mix with water for a lot of fun.
gas: flammable. flieas around and turns into OIL under pressure.
WTRV: water vapor. pretty obvious.
PLSM: plasma. REALLY hot.
NBLE: noble gas. when exposed to electricity, ionizes into plasma.
SMKE: smoke. produced from *stuff* burning.
OXYG: oxygen, combines with HYGN to make water. burns.
Co2, carbon dioxide.
CAUS: caustic gas. acts like acid.
BOYL: expands ehen heated.
HYGN: hydrogen. combines with OXYG to make water. burns.
FIRE: fire. duh.
GUN: gunpowder. light dust. explodes when exposed to fire.
NITR: nitro, A.K.A. firey liquid awesomeness.
C-4: C4 explosive, explodes when fed an electrical cuurrent, or when under pressure.
RBDM: rubidium. explodes on contact with water, but also can just be attached to a fuse.
LRBD: liquid rubidium. behaves like rubidium.
THDR: lightning: hottest element in the game.
THRM: thermite. explosive. ignites a high temperatures.
CFLM: cold flames. extremely cold.
FIRW: fireworks. explodes in a variety of colors.
DEST: explodes instantly on contact with any compound except DMND.
FWRK: crappy version of FIRW.
BOMB: like DEST but not as destructive.
C-5: ignites on contact with cold flames.
TNT: dynamite. duh.
IGNC: basically a fuse that ignites more easily.
GBMB: i dont know much about this element.
i dont know much about these elements, look at the wiki for a descriptive help list.
DTEC: emits electricity when something is nearby.
TSNS: when heated, generates electricity.
powered materials:
i dont know much about most of these, but heres what i do know:
LCRY: liquid crystal. lights up when charged with PSCN, turns off ehen charged with NSCN.
PCLN: powered clone. works the same way as clone, except it only duplicates when charged with PSCN; turns off when powered with NSCN.
HSWC: heat switch. when charged with PSCN, will conduct heat. NSCN turns it off.
everything else: i dont know much about these.
METL: metal. conducts. melts. solid.
SPRK: spark. touch it to a conductor to give it an electrical current.
PSCN. p-type silicon, conducts to anything.
NSCN: n-type silicon. conducts to anything except PSCN.
NTCT: only conducts electricity when at least 100 degrees.
PTCT:only conducts electricity when under 100 degrees.
ETRD: electrode. if two are placed, try sparking one for a big surprise.
BTRY: battery. generates infinite electricity when touching METL.
SWCH: switch. when charged with PSCN, will conduct electricity. when charged with NSCN, turns off.
INWR: insulated wire, does not conduct to any metal or NTCT/PTCT.
LIGH: more realistic version of THDR.
TESC: tesla coil! when charged with pscn, generates LIGH.
INST: instant conductor. accepts charge from PSCN, and gives charge to NSCN.
WIFI: wifi. when heated, changes color. if charged with SPRK, it will give a wireless spark off to another particle of wifi of the same color.
ARAY: ray emitter. when charged, emits a ray. duh.
EMP: electro-magnetic pulse emitter. breaks any activated electronics on the screen when charged.
MERC: mercury, a liquid conductor. expands when heated and contracts when cooled.
WWLD: useless kind of wire. doe'snt do much from what i know.
wall eraser: its obvious, right?
conductive wall: a coinductive, indestructable solid.
E-wall. when charged, becomes nonsolid.
detector: when a particle touches it, it will emit an electrical charge.
streamline: i dont know much about this.
fan: fan. use line tool to set the air current's direction and strength.
liquid conductive wall: wall that is conductive and only lets liquids through.
air wall: lets nothing but air currents through.
wall: wall. indestructable and lets nothing through.
air wall: blocks everything but pressure.
powder wall: allows nothing but powders.
conductor: allows everything and conducts electricity
E-hole: sucks in particles. when charged, will release all of them.
gas wall: allows nothing but gases.
gravity wall: i dont really know what this does.
energy wall: lets only energy type particles through. (e.g. neutrons, electrons)
heres my profile page:
my TPT lover fan website:
>>http://tptlovers.blogspot.com/ <<
i hope i helped you all!
Lots of these could be much more descriptive. But nice work. This must've taken forever
You are obviously very dedicated to TPT. But a blog where so far it mainly gives you a link to this site where the link to it is on this site. Hmm. But I admire your dedication.