I am thinking to start messing around with LUA in TPT for the first time. I read some previous threads and guides. For now, i want some simple commands that allow me to edit an existing element.
For example,make WAX explode, DMND melt,iron un-meltable etc.
I believe there are commands like "tpt.el.iron.meltable=0" which allow me to do this. i'm looking for such commands as they appear easier to me than the "tpt.set_property" commands.(or are they different things?)
So, just give me all varieties of tpt.el.elementname.xxxxxx=xx commands and also give me some commands to make watr turn into fire when heated ,c-4 explode into dust etc.
Found what i wanted. BIG thanks to you boxmein.
I'm just thinking, the tpt.el commands seem a TON easier to remember and program than the tpt.set commands, and they do the same thing.So why did someone make the tpt.set commands in the first place?