The Silicon Toy is a game for Windows Mobile 5 (and newer) that I have began just a few days ago. So far, with the core almost functioning completely, you are able to create electronics the same way if you were to create them in The Powder Toy.
Written in C# with .NET 2.0, and having a fairly complex engine (being almost similar to Powder Toy), it actually runs fairly smoothly.
It uses the hardware D-Pad on your phone to move the selection box, and hitting the Enter (or middle) button to create the selected block/particle type. You can use the touchscreen (if you have one) on your phone to move the selection box as well.
The metals use Temperature (similar to Powder Toy) for the use of the semi-conductors. Open/Saving (Not implemented yet, kind of a maybe, actually. But we'll see.) will allow you to save progress and load it later.
Element/Block/Particle Types include: Spark Metal Wire (Just like in ief015's Powder Toy Mod) P-Type Silicon N-Type Silicon P-Type Semi-Conductor N-Type Semi-Conductor Battery (NEW - Pulses spark/electricity constantly)
EDIT: Also, I recommend you don't google "Silicon Toy". Actually, go ahead. Do it. It'll be funny.
I don't know if anyone is playing this or using it, but I'm still updating it. At least for myself and maybe a few random users who google their way into this thread.
- Updated the engine, runs smoother. - Messed around with the selected block info. Shouldn't be too crazy now. - Fixed up tutorial typos and other errors/misses.