Can anyone create a script that can speed-up the game?
Like pressing F super-fast.
Ideas :
- Add a button on the upper part of the screen
- Add a keybind for fast and slow motion
- Add a speed control (something like 1 --------------|------------- 100)
- Add an element that stop or slow down the elements around it for 5 - 10 seconds (SUPER COOL STUFF)
- Add a feature so that if we press F for more than 1 second the game speed up.
- Add a wall that is anti-time (so the inside is protected from time change)
If someone can do this i will be so happy...
they tried a TIME element that would speed up and slow down time in a radius but it was too glitchy so i doubt it's possible to make a flood TIME script
what i mean speed isn't FPS, i mean the speed things are falling, the speed water is flowing, well, its like fps but does not affecting buttons and stuff, only affecting elements.
I added max fps changing in my mod :D
It is like this :
function keydet(key, keyx, modifier, events)
if key == "t" then
answer = tpt.input("MAX FPS", "Type new MAX FPS :")
It turns out to be pretty easy..