[suggestion]Hotkey plz

  • baizuo
    7th Nov 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    The icons are small to click while the game screen itself is rather small, I cant believe it there's no hotkey?
    My suggestions:

    1.change brush size now uses Ctrl+mouse wheel

    2.now select view mode by Q,W,E,R,T,Y,U. Q no longer for quit, use ESC only

    3.now you can select 2 materials at once, displayed at right, you can use "~" key to switch

    4.now you can use mouse wheel to select group, number key for materials in group
    What's more, there are numbers under each materials for quick locate
    If there are 10 or less materials, number key select directly(0~9); if there are more than 10, materials will be selected after 500ms or something after press a single key; to select for example the 11th SPRK, hit "1" "1" quickly
    (or mouse wheel for materials selection, number keys stay the same function, QWERTYU for group selection, both OK)

    5.Add a button to show intro screen again (I have to close my PT, open again to watch)

    6.Zoom tool now have three type, Zoom X2 X5 X10 (more, or less, 2 type or even 1 type, that's OK), press Z to circle, zoom area shown on screen, when press LMB, WHOLE map zoomed, use direction key to move screen, or add a hotkey H(hand tool) to drag ,press Z again return to the normal type (works like that in mspaint.exe)
  • baizuo
    7th Nov 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    click for bigger pic
  • Cr15py
    7th Nov 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    These are actually great ideas, unlike many other suggestions. Also, you have clearly laid out your ideas in a way which makes them easy to read and understand. All of your suggestions would be extremely helpful. Also, let this set an example of how suggestions should be presented.
  • tutut125
    7th Nov 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    This post has been removed: Rule 15
  • baizuo
    7th Nov 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    yes I'm using AntB's
    It was great!