Hey guys! You may have seen a few of the elements I worked on. Most liked of all would have to be
Shadow. Or surge lol.
Anyway back to my point!
I have been seeing alot of new LUA Elements lately :] And I have not really had time to try out the lot!
BUT! I am calling all Lua element creators for a special little asignment :]
I want you all to contact me asap! I want to bring all of our elements together. I would also like to have all of you together to start creating new and improved elements! All under one name :] So anyway!
Message me on here. Or add my skype DJMassacreSMSB
Glad you like it! And thank you for the necro on that thread! I would like the LUA element's to make a nice comeback! I think being able to use lua is a lot faster and easier than a mod itsself because you may chose when you want to use the elements!
Anyway yeah, I am glad you like it :D I will be working on more elements soon! And I hope I and whoever joins me can whip up some nice new scripts for everyone :]
Have you seen MTOR? and how often are you on because it seems everyones on irc.....
I used mtor a long time ago :D I messed with it a little bit but I couldnt really find much to make out of it as far as a new element goes But I made a version that when crashed on impact it creates debree of kyrptonite (For fun really lol the kyrptonite didnt do anything but it was a cool effect)
But I love mtor :D Its pretty cool for sure.
Surge wont work for me anymore lol I havent done powder toy in so long that I forgot how to do all that stuff XD
Of course we do! :D Thank you very much
Hey! Well, I also code using C for my mod :] But!! What I am asking for right now on this page is alll lua :D