I know there are lua functions that allow the user to change the properties of certain elements. What i'm looking for are "tpt.el" functions. I made this post so we can have as many codes as possible. This would allow for users to create custom elements and have them appear every time they open powder toy. We could also have the devs implement a new elements section called "custom elements". It's insignia would be a small pencil. I would like for you guys to contribute and post as many "tpt.el"s as you can.
i like the idea of a "custom elements" section. but that only makes sense if we could make own elements on an easier way like an element creator or something like that. at the moment we have only BRAN as a "free" element slot. therefore there could only be one custom element at a time without changing existing elements. i wish there would be more than one free slot that we don't have to change the scripts every time to use the element we want.
How about ''tpt.eltransition''s?
tpt.el.ELEM.description = 'description'
tpt.el.ELEM.name = 'ELEM'
tpt.el.ELEM.colour = 0xFFFFFF
tpt.el.bran.menu = 1
tpt.el.bran.enabled = 1
tpt.el.bran.menusection = 9
tpt.el.bran.airloss = 1
tpt.el.bran.loss = 1
tpt.el.bran.collision = -.99
tpt.el.bran.weight = -1
tpt.el.bran.heat = 0
tpt.el.bran.hconduct = 400
tpt.el.bran.properties = 346128
Replace ELEM by element's name and change the values/other stuff to use.
here are more commands and a better explanation of "tpt.el.X.properties". helped me a lot.