Help with custom element?

  • Brendan21
    10th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Trying to make a torch-like element, and I can't get it to be a solid... Sort of a noob to this, so dont call me names :P

  = 'TRCH'
    tpt.el.fwrk.description = 'Torch. Lights an empty space.'
    tpt.el.fwrk.color = 0xFFFF00
    tpt.eltransition.fwrk.tempLowValue = 22.5
    tpt.eltransition.fwrk.tempLowType = tpt.element('fire')
    tpt.eltransition.fwrk.tempHighValue = 9000
    tpt.eltransition.fwrk.tempHighType = tpt.element('fire')
    tpt.eltransition.fwrk.presHighValue = 900
    tpt.eltransition.fwrk.presHighType = 0
    tpt.el.fwrk.diffusion = -1
    tpt.el.fwrk.gravity = 0
    tpt.el.fwrk.weight = 1
    tpt.el.fwrk.heat = 22.5
    tpt.el.fwrk.hardness = -1 = 2600

    tpt.eltransition.glow.tempHighValue = 3274
    tpt.eltransition.glow.tempHighType = tpt.element('fire')



  • mrsalit0s
    10th Aug 2012 Member 1 Permalink

    use , its a solid then. check this thread for the element properties

  • Brendan21
    10th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @mrsalit0s Thanks, been trying to figure it out for hours now haha


    Also, how do I make the element glow?

  • mrsalit0s
    10th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink



    you could use BRAN element instead of FWRK if you want. its an unused element slot.

  • Brendan21
    10th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @mrsalit0s I figured if I replaced an element I didn't use at all then I could save the BRAN for future projects even though I could move the new Lua element to a different folder.... Oh well haha, just messing around right now, maybe an element in the future