We need Logic Gates!

  • New-IdeasForYou
    7th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Its very hard to create something logial using SWITCH. We need a logical gate, in one pixel, such as AND, NOT, OR. 


    AND: need energy comming from both NSCN and PSCN to let enery pass trought. 

    NOT: will let enery pass trought only if NSCN and PSCN are off.

    XOR: Energy will pass trought only if PSCN or NSCN are on. If both are on it switches off. 


    I think this would be revolutionating! We would be able to creat computer machines, complex CPU's, things like that! 

  • nmd
    7th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    We already have easy ways to make logic gates...


  • Niven
    7th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @New-IdeasForYou (View Post)
    Make your own. If ur too lazy to do that

    give credit if u use some
  • therocketeer
    7th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @New-IdeasForYou (View Post)
    Just use pict/nict in your logic gates, that's how you make them small.
  • nmd
    7th Aug 2012 Member 1 Permalink

    @New-IdeasForYou (View Post)

    You can even use Wire for logic gates

  • therocketeer
    7th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink
  • New-IdeasForYou
    7th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    CORRECTION: Sorry, i mean, the harder to make is XOR, not OR.


    Ok, we dont need all these logic gates, only XOR. I haven't seen an efficient XOR gate yet, that can work fastly. 

  • DJspiderize
    7th Aug 2012 Member 1 Permalink






    People have wanted logic gates from the beginning xD

  • ryan99
    7th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink


  • jacksonmj
    7th Aug 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    @New-IdeasForYou (View Post)
    WIRE works very well for XOR gates, as long as the input signals arrive at exactly the same time. If they aren't timed correctly, you can use some SWCH to buffer them and then send them to the XOR gate simultaneously.

    WIRE works faster than all the other electronic elements, so there shouldn't be any problems with speed.

    Demonstration (truth table, and buffering input using SWCH):
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