Particle drawing functions

  • boxmein
    3rd Aug 2012 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    (Mniip's fetch script compatible!)
    [](/ajhappy) I have made a small collection of functions that can be used to draw particles inside the game.
    In the selection are:
    rectangles (with top-left X,Y and width/height and X1, Y1, X2, Y2)
    grids (With grid cell size)
    Checkerboards (Single element, 1px wide)
    This all comes with a help message automatically enabled when the script loads.
    When you re-load the script, then do cleanText() before to remove the last text.
    Turn off automatic help texting via the variable "show_help_every_start" in the source code.
    [](/rdsalute-r) Download:
    What to enter in mniip's script as ID: DpK7QeL9

    [](/z02 "You're awesome!")