Script writting

    29th Jul 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    How to write script in the console? If I write one line, there's a lua error, because end must be on next line.

    I wrote about this in thread "Lua help thread", but when I writting new thread, I get the answer faster. ;)

  • mniip
    29th Jul 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    dont create a new thread, posting in help thread is enough
    (this is not backseat moderation, just my opinion)
  • boxmein
    29th Jul 2012 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @GOKOP (View Post)
    If you want to use scripts, you can either
    1) Make the script in Notepad++ or Notepad or TextEdit etc, then save it as "script.lua"
    then drag the script to the Powder Toy folder and
    then in the console write dofile("script.lua")

    2) Write it without newlines.
    for i=0,10,1 do print ("Test") end