More Elements and Effects

  • meganuke9
    19th Jul 2012 Member 1 Permalink

    Heres a list of elements that are needed for better game play :



    Lithium & Lithium6




    Uranium (U235 weapon grade)




    Francium & Fluorine (Big boom from chemical reaction)

    Sodium & Sulfur (come on i would like to make salt)

    Plutonium (PU244 version & PU239)

    3H (used in thermal nuclear detnation)


    List for Effects:

    nuclear detnation in the form of a bomb including H-Bombs create Mushroom clouds with out custom bombs that are not nukes.

    give nukes fallout from the mushroom cloud.

    when you make a rocket not using sponge but like Polaris II missiles rocket get perpulsion off the ground and the ground is still there.

    arrowdynamics for like if you made a plane with a bomb and you drop the bomb it falls to the target and hits.

    can down size a copy and paste Examples: made a nuke shrink it so its to scale with its detnation location.

    when a nuke goes off it wont melt the every thing if it plut like bomb.

    automatic chemical and fission reactions like adding nutrons or nuclear fission in stars.

    and lastly make dust have weight so you can have it on the ground and you blow up some thing the shockwave sturrs up the dust.

    and also give the liquid form and solid form of all elements cause hygrogen does reach a solid state.



    sorry for any poor spelling


  • nmd
    19th Jul 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Can you give legit uses for all those elements?

  • meganuke9
    19th Jul 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    yes there is always a way to use all of them, ex. lead stops nutrons. these elements are some of the most fun in science. if they are added play around with them or reseach if you like i would sugest play around with them silver cools things off like in liquid nigrogen tanks they are lined with silver. you can blow up u235, nuclear reactor thats water cooled it, 3H is used in thermal nuclear bombs it kills life with its radidion gold is the best conductor copper can be used in making battiery pu244 is a more stable form of plut but still blows up in fussion. most of these can be put to use to make bombs in 20 to 27 ways depending on the force from the explosion

  • R3APER
    19th Jul 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    Last I checked gold is horrible for real world applications besides the fact it makes a half decent conductor in electronics. Same with copper. We already have hydrogen. We also already have uranium. TTAN (Titanium) works exactly like Aluminum would. We already have plutonium. We already have radioactive particle fallout in nukes, eg. Pieces of plutonium and uranium flying across the screen. We already have pressure dynamics and aerodynamics for shaped wing craft simulators. Silver is boring. Helium is lame. Its a noble gas after all. They don't react much. Lithium and Francium are the only decent ones you have listen, perhaps specific uses please? I am still waiting for someone to suggest Americium. :D
  • Michael238
    19th Jul 2012 Member 2 Permalink

    @R3APER (View Post)

    Americium: AMER

    Silvery grey solid

    Slowly emits a constant stream of ELEC.

    Becomes ISOZ when exposed to NEUT


    Melts at 1176 degrees celsius


    Smoke detectors

    Cathode ray tubes

    EXOT bombs due to the ELEC emission triggering the EXOT

    ELEC lasers 

    EXOT reactors


    By the way, I came up with this in about a minute.

  • R3APER
    19th Jul 2012 Member 0 Permalink
  • meganuke9
    19th Jul 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    not weapon grade Uranium its u235 it was used in the small boy bomb droped on hroshoma japan and aluminum does not acy like TTAN because it breaks easser and you need helium if you want to make the sun cause i recall the sun is nuclear fussion and the fallout from nukes im talking about is the ground being sucked up and into the mushroom cloud and sits there for awhile gold is the best conductor but is used to make counputer and silver is not lame it can tarnish and melt at 2000 degree celise so its good for electonics that need constence electicery and gold is good for crosion portection because it melts at a higher temp than iron and you need aluminum and copper so you can make steel from iron those are some of the inpurties and noble gasses do react alot in the extremes of condision and the need for liquid hydrogen i had a typeo there liquid hydrogen is used in thermal nuclear detnation and gold streches very much and it absorbs nutrons and lead stops radiation i could keep going on and on 


    again sorry for spelling and typeos

  • Michael238
    19th Jul 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @meganuke9 (View Post)

     We already have nuclear fusion. HYGN at 50 pressure and 2000 heat will fuse to NBLE.



     Do you suppose that I should make a new thread for the Americium suggestion?

  • meganuke9
    19th Jul 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    the americium element is only good if you want to make smoke detecotors and sensors and only highly skilled members know how to build though things 

  • Michael238
    19th Jul 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @meganuke9 (View Post)

     You do know that some of those other uses I listed are rather simple when you think about it.

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