Thermite physics changed to blow up ice!

  • Zack2010
    29th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I was a little disappointed when I let some thermite melt and hit ice and saw no explosion Not sure if it's even possible to do so as melted is lava, but it would be really cool if thermite reacted with ice the same way it does in real life for example, when the thermite hits the ice it would create a lot of pressure really fast, or something like that :P
  • pilojo
    29th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I could make thermite explode on contact with ice in my mod.
  • Zack2010
    29th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    are we talking like fiery explosion though? is there a way to make it explode without actually producing flame?
  • pilojo
    29th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Yeah... like into lava.
  • thebeavers1
    29th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    That would be really cool if you did that because I saw a myth busters video of it and it was so awesome!
  • Cr15py
    29th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I saw it on mythbusters too... It happened when it was ignited though. Several theories I've seen presented are
    1)The intense heat from the thermite released so much steam that the rapid expansion of gases propelled the remaining ice chunks great distances
    2)The reaction seperated the hydrogen and oxygen from the water and cause an intense explosion from the two gases.
    3)A combination of the two above.

    Therefore, if we could incorporate a reaction which either causes steam to be produced at a rate which turned the ice into snow from the pressure or produce oxygen and hydrogen and ignited it.