Bomb or Nuke

  • Ark5
    28th Oct 2010 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • Neospector
    28th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    A metal circle filled with plutonium, air on the middle. Worst. Idea. Ever.
  • Xenocide
    28th Oct 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    This one has just outright p!$$£d me off.

    We have enough explosives and also...




    In fact, if your so keen to have all this stuff you keep suggesting, go learn how to modify the source, and don't give me no crap about not knowing how to, I can't even print Hello World to the console. If you cant get visual studio working, is still u, if slightly out of date, failing that: - I searched for you seeing as you can't seem to use the search bar.
  • Ark5
    28th Oct 2010 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • Xenocide
    28th Oct 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    1) You obviously do.
    2) LoadSaveBlock(20953);
    3) Don't swear, if you do censor it and don't be abusive.
    4) Your the one who's being abusive and swearing at me. And actually you can't speak on behalf of the forum.
  • Ark5
    28th Oct 2010 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • Xenocide
    28th Oct 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Your the one who breaks the rules persistently here, not me...

    If you want to take this further either join the IRC channel or use Conversations.
  • Ark5
    28th Oct 2010 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • Neospector
    28th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Very small. Also, the AntB one and the pressure bomb are tiny.
  • alexthesax
    28th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    4) Just stop being an asshole already, nobody likes you on this forum and you probably fail at life

    I can prove that wrong, I like antb, he has made some sweet mods, and there is a reason he has that cog next to his name, it is a symbol, to stand out of the community, something to drive you to do better.