A thin wall...

  • Rob215
    24th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    As thin as a diamond.
  • Simon
    24th Jul 2010 Administrator 0 Permalink
    Not possible.
  • HolyExLxF
    24th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Walls MUST be at least 4x4. The game engine won't allow anything else.
  • Simon
    24th Jul 2010 Administrator 0 Permalink
    It will, editing the source and changing the CELL value will achieve this, but this harms the function of the walls and pressure in the game.
  • Aizria
    24th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    How about being able to make 2x2 sections of wall? That would be very nice and handy for many things.
  • bchandark
    24th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    We should make a "Do Not Suggest" topic with things like

    -1px walls
    -adding more pixels to the resolution
    -ionization of reverse molecular structure using rotational velocidensity algorithms to combine the total molar of Avogadro's number of the vanadium atom to create a quark (for more, look at the New Elements thread)
    -and other stuff
    -periodical elements unless important
  • Aizria
    24th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    We should make a "Do Not Suggest" topic with things like

    -1px walls

    Lol! I agree that a 1px section of wall would probably be rather impractical.

    -ionization of reverse molecular structure using rotational velocidensity algorithms to combine the total molar of Avogadro's number of the vanadium atom to create a quark (for more, look at the New Elements thread)

    HOLY STUFF!!!! I mean, I get it but, someone actually suggested that? Seriously?
  • wouter215
    24th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I wanted to suggest all of the particles(plus the theoretical) in this video:
  • Aizria
    24th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Hehe...that's a lot of stuff to suggest!
  • vsams14
    24th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    lets say i feel like being stupid, and want to edit and compile a version of tpt where the cell size is 1x1. How would I go about doing this?
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