A few suggestions.

  • jamesoleruster
    26th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Well, first, I would love to see a few new elements in Powder Toy. Here are the elements I would like to see (and a description too! NOTE: Some of these are from some of the TPT mods I've seen):
    LASR - Laser. Very hot. Heats or destroys almost anything
    FIRW - Fireworks. Powder. Launches up into the air and colorfully explodes.
    CLSR - Cold Laser
    DMDP - Diamond Powder. Indestructible
    BALL - Pushes out and expands any particle it touches
    SPNG - Spring. Shoots any particles it touches in the opposite direction.
    GOLD - Extremely conductive. Meltable.
    VRUS - Virus. Slows stickman and eats plant. Growth doubles when it comes in contact with water.
    SLIM - Slime. Elastic material. Melts when heated.
    RBBR - Rubber. Very elastic. Burns quickly.
    STKW - Stickwoman.
    FOAM - Good insulator
    BBBL - Bubble. Size Pops when touched.
    UWBL - Underwater bubble. Pops when it hits the water surface.
    BBLM - Bubble machine. Solid. Produces bubbles underwater as well as in air.
    FRON - Freon. Cold gas. Flamable.
    CLRF - Colored fire
    COOL - Solid. Cools any particle it touches
    WARM - Solid. Heats any particle it touches
    PIPE - Transfers elements.

    Also, I would love to see an options menu in Powder Toy. Options would be window size (can be part of sim, current TPT resolution, 640x480, 512x384, 800x600, 1024x768), max FPS, Ferenheit or Celsius display, and BG image (will NOT be part of sim, will be optimized to fit window) Stickman/woman will have its own catagory with:
    STKM and Woman (of course)
    CKPT - Checkpoint. Respawns at checkpoint when killed.
    EDSN - Endsign. Place at end of level.
    10PN - Ten points added to the life meter. Can only be used once. (if there is more in the level, the player can use again)
    SJMP - Jump three times as high for ten jumps. Can only be used once. (if there is more in the level, the player can use again)
    SPED - Go twice as fast for 15 seconds. Can only be used once. (if there is more in the level, the player can use again)

    I know its a lot, but just saying. :P Sounds good to me!
  • Vanadium
    26th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Most of those elements have been made. Most of the other things have been turned down. But i like the STKM category even though some of the things would be hard to make.
  • bchandark
    26th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    LASR - Expand on this.
    FIRW - In next release
    CLSR - Use LN2
    DMDP - Support
    BALL - Expand on this.
    SPNG - Expand on this.
    GOLD - What does "extremely conductive" mean?
    VRUS - Look for X in AntB's mod. I kinda like the other ideas too.
    SLIM - Expand on this.
    RUBR - Expand on this.
    STKW - What would be the difference, other than being PC?
    FOAM - We have insulator already.
    BBBL - Interesting. Expand?
    UWBL - Interesting. Expand?
    BBLM - Use clone
    FRON - Support. Maybe have another feature?
    CLRF - I think you'll be happy with the changes to photons in the next release.
    COOL - Been rejected. Use diamond + clone + LN2.
    WARM - Been rejected. Use diamond + clone + plasma.
    PIPE - Expand on this.

    Rest: To quote someone whose name I forget..."This is The Powder Toy. Not Stickman's Adventures."
  • Neospector
    26th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Actually in working on a solid heater. Room temp would be 9000 degrees (I'm changing that), releases slight pressure. I might work on a solid cooler, now that you mention it. After I finish steel. Not even sure the code works. The wiki hasn't been updated for a while.
    I think if you made bubble bubbles and it'd be ok. Plural making it several bubbles at once.
    Pipe you can just use fan.
    Cold laser use cold flame from whoever's mod has it, which I think they all do (don't they?)
    Rubber...define "elastic" in TPT. though maybe it could melt into slime?
  • Neospector
    26th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Sorry I'm on mobile, the iPhone sucks at typing but I am not switching to Droid
    droid copied iPhone and the iPhone could do everything the droid can now in the first gen.
  • Xenocide
    26th Oct 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Play time...

    LASR - Laser. Very hot. Heats or destroys almost anything -- Use Photons
    FIRW - Fireworks. Powder. Launches up into the air and colorfully explodes. -- In v43 Alpha
    CLSR - Cold Laser -- Freeze photons
    DMDP - Diamond Powder. Indestructible -- Modded
    BALL - Pushes out and expands any particle it touches -- Movable solids is a no-no
    SPNG - Spring. Shoots any particles it touches in the opposite direction. -- Hmmm...
    GOLD - Extremely conductive. Meltable. -- Modded
    VRUS - Virus. Slows stickman and eats plant. Growth doubles when it comes in contact with water. -- Kinda Modded
    SLIM - Slime. Elastic material. Melts when heated. -- Moveable Solid, no
    RBBR - Rubber. Very elastic. Burns quickly. -- elasticity = moveable solid = no
    STKW - Stickwoman. -- There will be no more STKM (or STKW)
    FOAM - Good insulator -- Had it, replaced it
    BBBL - Bubble. Size Pops when touched. -- Not for me
    UWBL - Underwater bubble. Pops when it hits the water surface. -- Not for me
    BBLM - Bubble machine. Solid. Produces bubbles underwater as well as in air. -- Not for me
    FRON - Freon. Cold gas. Flamable. -- Modded
    CLRF - Colored fire -- Why?
    COOL - Solid. Cools any particle it touches -- Rejected (made by triclops200)
    WARM - Solid. Heats any particle it touches -- Rejected (made by triclops200)
    PIPE - Transfers elements. -- Elaborate

    Screen sizes -- Not possible without breakages

    Stickman Stuff -- No. Use PLNT to regen life and just use CLNE and Signs for respawn and end of level

    Rule 14, all suggestions in the Element suggestions thread; all the mods are monitored for elements suitable for merging into stable so there's no real need to suggest them again.

    OT: Android FTW!
  • Catelite
    26th Oct 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    ...Actually, I have a PERFECT example of Pipe element. I made it in wxSand.


    Basically a line drawn that moves elements in the direction it's made in.
  • Xenocide
    26th Oct 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    This isn't wxSand woman! lol

    I still got your sponge files I think...
  • Sylvi
    26th Oct 2010 Moderator 0 Permalink
    That's more than a few! XD
  • duartel
    26th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    LASR - Laser. Very hot. Heats or destroys almost anything-IDK... i think that would be usefull but many people say its useless coz we already have photons, and actually they are basically the same...
    FIRW - Fireworks. Powder. Launches up into the air and colorfully explodes.-will be on the next release i think
    CLSR - Cold Laser-again, use phonots, just cool them down
    DMDP - Diamond Powder. Indestructible-umm... what do you mean indestructible?
    BALL - Pushes out and expands any particle it touches-i don't really get it
    SPNG - Spring. Shoots any particles it touches in the opposite direction.-i guess we could use that, instead of messing with pressure with fan
    GOLD - Extremely conductive. Meltable. -err isn't this the basic defenition of METL?
    VRUS - Virus. Slows stickman and eats plant. Growth doubles when it comes in contact with water.-actually i would love this
    SLIM - Slime. Elastic material. Melts when heated.-no use at all... also no elasticity yet on powder toy.
    RBBR - Rubber. Very elastic. Burns quickly.again, no elasticity. just use some c-4
    STKW - Stickwoman.-no,no and no! no babies!
    FOAM - Good insulator-lets say... FOAM=INSL
    BBBL - Bubble. Size Pops when touched.i see abolutely no use for this
    UWBL - Underwater bubble. Pops when it hits the water surface.again, no use at all
    BBLM - Bubble machine. Solid. Produces bubbles underwater as well as in air.-no use 4 bubblez
    FRON - Freon. Cold gas. Flamable.-cant u just cool down some o2 or gas?
    CLRF - Colored fire-why would we want that?
    COOL - Solid. Cools any particle it touches-just get some clone, cool it down and make it clone some diamond
    WARM - Solid. Heats any particle it touches-same, just heat up instead of cool down
    PIPE - Transfers elements.-do u mean like portals? umm i see no use... just make a pipe and get some fans to do the job

    and the rest... totally useless