Wanna compile TPT now?

  • Videogamer555
    22nd May 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    It's easier than ever, a simple paragraph in the wiki that I've added provides some simple quick instructions and a link to get a FULL PACKAGE (CodeBlocks + MinGW + libs + TPT sourcecode) that can be used as soon as the zip file is unzipped. It is far easier than ANYTHING provided ANYWHERE ELSE on the wiki. No long tedius setup of the compiling environment, etc is needed.


    Wiki page I added my info to is:


  • mniip
    22nd May 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    [02:34] (@StewieGriffin) Wiki edit: Codeblocks setup edited by Videogamer555 "Added easy-to-use ready-to-compile-out-of-the-box source package for TPT, no downloading of CodeBlocks etc needed.". https://powdertoy.co.uk/Wiki/index.html?title=Codeblocks_setup&diff=2377&oldid=1839