I am trying to make a resort and I am wondering if any of you would like to contribute. (your username will appear in the Credit list if you contribute)
Instructions: 1. Download and Copy the sim below: LoadSaveBlock(35153);
2. Make your changes to your copy
3. Post a link to your version of the resort
4. When I wake up in the morning, I will skip to the computer and add your mod to the original
5. If your mod has any problems, I will let you know via either a conversation or in this thread
Musts: Before you post your mod, please check to make sure that no-one has already covered your idea Before you modify the resort, make sure you have the latest version of it (which can be obtained from above)
Some ideas for modders: -Could do with a jetty/pier -The resort needs a fancy rooftop pool with possibly elevator access -People in the pool -New room designs and furniture. -More people on the beach -A ship of some description in the sea -Some extra balconies
Users who have so generously contributed: yew101 bchandark pyrosparker HK6
Requests Some cars for the carpark
P.S. I have a little Thank You gift for those of you who contribute
yew101 Thanks mate! Could you somehow rig up the elevator... That thing on the elevator roof is supposed to be a chain EDIT: Do you have your own user logo? (I need something to put in the credit list) if not then I will just put your name there.
-ADDED BOAT -Added girls -made it a non-racist environment -toilets on every second floor -diffrent color beds -room with no wall(suicide room) -Added fishies