Now "AUX cooling" turns ON only if: - Temperature of the top of any fuel rod rises above 100 ?° AND - any steam detector detects steam
SCRAM (auto or manual) triggers "AUX cooling" ON regardless of any of the conditions described above.
This add-on effectively prevents reactor flooding with "AUX cooling" water.
2) Overrides panel reworked.
Indication logic is the following: when red light is lit, the override is ON. Controls logic is the following: spark RED button to turn ON the override, and spark GREEN button to turn override OFF.
- "SCRAM override" - main SCRAM override. - "TF DMG" - override the SCRAM if any of top segments of fuel rods are damaged. - "BF DMG" - override the SCRAM if any of bottom segments of fuel rods are damaged. - "OH-3" - override the SCRAM if all three fuel rods are overheat. - "OH-1" - override the SCRAM if one fuel rod overheats.
In general, nuclear reactors on TPT can be divided into the following types: by fuel and activator - UP - uranium-pressure PP - plutonium-pressure PN - plutonium-neutron PPN - plutonium-pressure-neutron
My BWR is unusual by combining all of the types, shown above.
The fuel cycle is the following: - at startup, pure plutonium is inserted into the fuel module (assambly) and irradiated by neutrons. - plutonium heats up and generates pressure - water heats up, becomes steam and pressure rises even more - more plutonium fissiles through high pressure and becomes uranium - uranium heats up through high pressure and heats up water - water heats up more, generate more steam and pressure rises again
Controls: You can control the reactor by:
- Adding or withdrawing the fuel and/or waste in 3 fuel assemblies. All assemblies and all processes controlled separately. - 6 neutron emitters, 3 on the left side and another 3 on the right. ?ontrolled separately. - 2 main valves: left and right. Controlled simultaneously. - 2 main water pumps: left and right. Controlled simultaneously.
Additional systems: AUX cooling - extra water input, if the temperature of the top ends of the FA (fuel assemblies ) exceeds 100 C. SV - safety valve. Opens automatically, if there is steam in the bottom of the vessel of the BWR
ASC ASC - automatic SCRAM system. It shuts down BWR if the following conditions are met: - "TF DMG" - any of top segments of fuel rods are damaged. - "BF DMG" - any of bottom segments of fuel rods are damaged. - "OH-3" - all three fuel rods are overheat. - "OH-1" - one fuel rod overheats.
You can disable any of the SCRAM subsystem by clicking (SPRK )on the red buttons on the overrides panel on the left side.
SPRK once the "fuel add" buttons for the FA 1, 2 and 3. Wait until all FA will be fully filled with plutonium.
SPRK once the "emmiter start" buttons for the neutron emitters 1, 2, 3 left and 1, 2, 3 right.
Watch the main pressure indicator - when pressure rises to 1.3 - 1.5 bar, SPRK once the "main vlv +" to open the main valve at one point. Watch the water flow - SPRK once the "main pmp I" button to turn on main water pumps.
If you are not experienced BWR operator, turn OFF all overrides.
Remember: maximum operation pressure of this BWR is 3.5 bar.