hey there TPT forumers and/or gamers. i would like to announce my game for the powder toy,(yes tutut125 it is a bit like yours, but you added no BSTS, mine has a bit more options, and mine starts with less.) This is a kind of group work together rpg sorta thing. What you need to do is Have a look at : LoadSaveBlock(32994); post what you want to do out of these optons to make t become a wonderful city: Add more land to it - when enough it will turn to gravel - then concrete Improve technologies (e.g. fire - then water spinner - electricity - light bulb......etc..transport.....etc.....Flying stff) Increase enviroment (weeds - then grass - shrubs - flowers - plants - trees) Desalunate water(cleanse water - drink water - pools - rivers - maybe a dam) Build housing(rock house - staw house - stick house - wooden house - concrete house - brick......ages away......floating houses/stuff) improve materials of choice(starting with leather-clothes - metal things) Even out the land(can't build things with uneven land). Weaponry(club-sligshot-spear-bow/arrow-etc) -and more and time goes on- You can post ideas either here or at the comments section at the lin i provided earlier, Start thnking of what you want done , (one thing at a time[and only two upgrades per person-per day])
this is what the start of the game looked like: LoadSaveBlock(33516);
UPDATES (in order): Yew101-Enviromental upgrade - Tree/shrub Yew101-Weaponry upgrade - Mace DonkeyPOOP-Technology upgrade - Fire antb-weaponary upgrade - Long spear tutut125-Housing upgrade - Cave cracker64-Land upgrade - twice as much land wikku9-Shit-A massive pile of steaming shit DonkeyPOOP-Housing upgrade - Stone House RougeGeneral--Land upgrade - Extended the island RougeGeneral--Technology upgrade - Invented wheel warman45--Technology upgrade - Invented kart(without wheels) warman45--Technology upgrade - Invented catapult antb-weaponary upgrade - Bow & Arrow DonkeyPOOP-Land Flatness upgrade - Balanced out the land DonkeyPOOP-Weaponry upgrade - Ballista TheWiseEyes-Material upgrade - Better clothing TheWiseEyes-Technology upgrade - Music PUBLIC - Housing Upgrade - Weak Cottage PUBLIC - Evironment Upgrade - Tree's and Animals PUBLIC - Materials - built a fence and stuff for a farm RougeGeneral--Material upgrade x 2 - Beer RougeGeneral--Weaponry upgrade x 2 - Bronze sword warman45--Technology upgradex2 - Invented water wheel(it powers my metal mace) tutut125-Technology upgrade x 2 - Wind power Current levels: Land:3 Water:3 Land flatess:3 Technology:6 Environment:4 Housing:4 Materials:4 Weaponry:5