heres my idea. i have made and island our boat has crashed supplies are weakend!! its up to us to make it thrive. what i will do is try to keep this thread alive so that people can join and ill make you a person on the island and everyone will decide on what they do. ( e.g make my player tutut125 build a mine to get coal) but heres the catch i will have random events such as storms, pirates, mistakes etc. so basicly this is a game. oh and tell me what you think of this idea.
READ READ READ: three new people arrivve at the island and immediatly get to work.
creation link: LoadSaveBlock(32955);
P.S keep up to date
curent options a) gather the wood from the boat and build a shelter b) start building a mine to get fuel/coal c) start a campfire d) collect water e) collect food
RANDOM EVENT: well with the help of antb making a picaxe yew dug down and found coal!!!! but a strange radioactive liquid pured into the mine
options for yew101 or anyone else a) shut the mine leaving yew in their b) fashion a rope from vines from a tree to rescu him c) continue working d) try to mine to its source