Okay. I am sorry for getting upset but I have kept my patients for as long as possible. That and PFD is. Well lol.
Okay point is I have tried the pre set projects. I have tried setting up my own via wiki. I can not download visual studio because of my lack of windows xp service pack 3 Any one who can help? I am useing Code blocks.
@MasterMind555(View Post) I downloaded both already set up projects as I have told everyone and not a single person has been able to help. And like I said I can not download VS.
ARE YOU SERIOUSLY THAT STUPID? WHAT PART OF IT DOES NOT COMPILE. IT DOES NOT WORK. GET IT!!!?!!!!? I have tried using the pre set project. I have tried creating my own. I have tried everything I have been told and nothing worked okay.
@plead-for-destruction(View Post) Lol then what was the point of any of this if you have the same problem? Telling me to do something that doesnt work for you? Pointless.