Bump. Can someone please answer to this! I litteraly did everything step by step. Even tried alot of stuff on my own! And still getting either the pastebin error or BCON.H error (Not sure if its called bcon lol but something like that)
Are you sure you have g++ installed? Although in fact you need to use gcc not g++ (the source is plain C, and some bits of it aren't compatible with C++ compilers).
If you're getting errors about BSON.h not found, check you have completed this step: Under the Compiler tab, click Add, and browse to and add the "includes" folder of the source to the list. (It should be okay to leave it as a relative path, but if you get a bunch of errors about various .h files not being found, try using the full path of the includes folder.)
The full path would be something like "E:\Unknown\L\Powder\Mod\ModIWork\PowderCBNoFFTW" (might need "\includes" on the end as well). The preset projects don't use this because they don't know the full path - the path depends on where you extract it to.
For some reason best known to itself, Code Blocks is using g++ to link TPT. If g++ is not installed, compilation will fail with the message "Execution of 'mingw32-g++.exe....' failed"
There are two possible ways to fix this.
A) Install g++: either when you install MinGW, or afterwards by running "mingw-get install g++" in command prompt.
B) Change the linker executable in Code Blocks In Code Blocks, go to Settings -> Compiler and debugger. Under the "Toolchain executables" tab, change "Linker for dynamic libs" to mingw32-gcc.exe
Are the files still in that location (E:\Unknown\L\Powder\Mod\PowderCBProj\) ?
If they've been moved, try removing them from the project and adding them again. Otherwise, maybe try starting again with a blank project.
(To remove and re-add: In the Management window you will see the project name listed there. Right-click it, click "Remove files...", and remove all of them. Right-click it, click "Add files recursively...", and choose the folder where all of the files are.)