@Lockheedmartin(View Post) Ahh, Haha yeah sorry I realize I post a lot. I will post a thread later that simply just says Scripts and a thread for Lua Help That way I have 1 thread for each thing I post. Thanks for letting me know.
Wouldnt that be better to have a db of nicks and hashed pwds and when looging in just search nick in db then hash pwd and if it matches - login successful Edit: think better before making a script EDIT2: be aware of poInter assignments like func(args)=table
@mniip(View Post) Think better? Lol! I had no reason to think any differently. It got the job done and thats what was needed to be accomplished. If you whip up a better version then by all means send it my way. but it did exactly as it should have there for it is perfect.
@mniip(View Post) The system does not suck lol. Like I said It did EXACTLY as I had wanted it to do. And I only did the extra account thing for fun. If you can create something better then do it kid.